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African American Travelers

SUNY Brockport is dedicated to increasing diversity abroad and providing opportunities for all students to pursue an international education. This page is a compilation of information and resources for African American students interested in studying abroad.

Things to Consider
  • What is the minority and majority racial and ethnic composition of my host country? 
  • Where do people of my race/ethnicity fit into my host country’s society? Am I likely to be a target of racism/classism, or am I going to be treated the same way in my host country as I am in the US? 
  • What is the history of racial and ethnic relations and/or tensions in my host country? Is the situation currently hostile to members of a minority race, majority race, or particular ethnicity or religion?
  • Are issues of racism/ethnic discrimination influenced by immigration in my host country? How do politicized immigration concerns fuel racial tensions? What is the character of immigrant communities?
  • Are there laws in the host country governing race relations? Ethnic relations? What protections are offered to ethnic or racial minorities?
For more questions to ask/tips for handling situations abroad, visit Diversity Abroad’s Minority & Students of Color Abroad.

(Adapted from Brown University and Northwestern University Study Abroad)
